Social Rented Housing in Western Europe: Developments and Expectations Harry van der Heijden [Paper received in nal form, May 2001] Summary. What lies...
The Future of European Union Social Policy and its Implications for Housing Mark Kleinman [Paper received in nal form, July 2001] Summary. European...
Restructuring in the Industrial Areas of Budapest in the Period of Transition Eva Kiss [Paper rst received, November 2000; in nal form, July...
Price Discovery between Private and Public Housing Markets Seow-Eng Ong and Tien-Foo Sing [Paper rst received, September 2000; in nal form, April 2001]...
Bridging Urban Digital Divides? UrbanPolarisation and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) Stephen Graham [Paper rst received, November 2000; in nal form, June 2001]...
Housing Tenure Choice in Transitional Urban China: A Multilevel Analysis Youqin Huang and William A. V. Clark [Paper rst received, September 2000; in ...
The Boston Renaissance: Race, Space, and Economic Change in an American Metropolis BARRY BLUESTONE and MARY HUFF STEVENSON, 2000 New York: Russel Sage Foundation...
Development Rights Markets to Manage Urban Plans in Italy Ezio Miceli [Paper rst received, February 2000; in nal form, April 2001] Introduction For...
Excess Commuting and the Modi able Areal Unit Problem Mark W. Horner and Alan T. Murray [Paper rst received, March 2001; in nal...
Neighbourhood Effects in Large and Smal Neighbourhoods Henry G. Overman [Paper rst received, November 1999; in nal form, March 2001] Summary. This paper...